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5 reasons to wake up at 5am

Activating the good stress in your life, so that you can handle the bad stress.

woman holding a book, next to a coffee mug

The morning's one of the most cliche things that an entrepreneur hears when it comes to being productive and starting the day on the right track.

Is the morning routine really important?

“Your ability to thrive in your day.”

What if I told you that your morning routine is literally the one thing that determines your ability to thrive in your day. our morning routine could be the single thing that launches you and your business into the success your desire.

More Than Your Favorite Cup of Coffee

Morning routines should be more than your favorite cup of coffee. Although very tempting, it should also be more than catching up on your social media feeds. Morning routines are about pouring into yourself. Your morning routine is about equipping your self with good stress so that you are able to handle the bad stress when it comes your way. The key to a success morning routine is determining what you do within that time

Benefits of a Good Morning Routine

“Waking up early is not my favorite thing.”

First understand that you are going to have to wake up early. I know. It is not my favorite thing either, but you need to wake up during a time when it is just you and God. This may mean that you have to wake up 2 to 3 hours before having to get the kids ready for school, pack their lunch, before your spouse wakes up. Just you.

What To Do During That Time?

Remember, the goal of a great morning routine is to equip yourself for the day.

Here are some of my favorite morning routine activities:

  1. Morning Devotion: Because you didn't wake yourself up! This is a great time to thank God for the many blessing that you experience. This is also an awesome time to ask the greatest strategist how you should handle your day. Jesus is always your best team member!

  2. Journal: This is a great way to see how God is working in your life and to see the progress you make as you set and conquer goals. One thing that I have learned to do is to write out my monthly prayer requests. This is a reminder to be consistent for the things that I present to God and serves as an awesome track record to the awesome God we serve!

  3. Exercise!: I did say this was good stress right? Exercising provides the stamina and discipline that you need as a business owner. If you can train your physical man, then you can become disciplined in other areas of your business and relationship with God. When I don't feel like working out I will absolutely hop on my Peloton and do a quick 15 minute ride.

  4. Meal Prep: What you put into your body is equally important! I am the worst at eating when my body tells me to eat. I will literally wait until my work day is almost over before I am pressured to make bad food selections due to hangryness. That's right, I get hangry when I fail to eat when my body tells me it's hungry. Meal prepping prevents me from ordering bad food and it keeps my attitude in check, sparing my team mates in the office.

  5. Listen to an encouraging sermon or podcast: Morning routines is a great time to learn and edify yourself for the day. You can do this in the shower or even when you are working out to maximize your time

  6. Enjoy your cup of coffee!: That's right. If you like coffee, enjoy t during your morning routine! I wouldn't recommend grabbing a cup first thing in the morning

Now, what will your morning routine look like?

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