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How To Prepare For 2024

3 Things You Should Do To End The Year

Positioning to walk in the greatness of 2024

There has been an undertone when it comes to 2023. Ever since COVID, gone are the days where wanting to lose 20 pounds and getting cute workout gear has been the focus. We are now beginning to realize that time is not forever and that life is precious.

We are now beginning to feel the weight of completing and operating in the things God has called us to do and the goals we want to achieve.

To start right, you have to end right. Let's talk about it.

Ending The Year Right...

Is about not taking any baggage that will delay, distract, and slow you down in the new year. Ending the year right is about being at peace with the things that happened in 2023, taking the year, the people, failures, and accomplishments to God, and being at peace with it.

Close The Books Out

Just as your business at the end of the year, your accounting and client accounts need to be closed, come to peace with, and close the books in 2023. Understand where you prospered and celebrate those achievements and blessings.

Have clarity on what had to happen for those successes and what it took to achieve them. Did you have to gain new habits? Did you have to pray and fast? Did you have to let go of something? Reflect and document it.

As you document your success, do the same for your failures. No one wants to go back to moments of hurt or failure, but if you were able to move through and past them, understand how you did so and the lessons you learned from your failures.

Did you gain strength? Did you fail because you lacked discipline or knowledge? Understand so you can avoid this failure again. Be not afraid!

Prayer And Fasting

Understand that as you get closer to operating and advancing in your purpose, people and the enemy will not be on the sidelines cheering you on! Quit the opposite.

You pray and fast because:

  • You need clear direction for the new year

  • You want to be connected to the right people for your 2024 mission

  • You will need strength and perseverance

  • Getting closer to God is always a win

  • You need financial clarity and prosperity to achieve the goal

For those of us who are Christ followers prayer and fasting should be part of our daily lives. If you truly want to gain clarity from what has taken place this year and what you yo need to achieve in the new year, I encourage you to make prayer and fasting part of your success routine.

"Father I repent for my weakness and my lack of discipline when it comes to the things of your kingdom."

Strengthen What Remains

Strengthen what remains. Strengthen what remains, strengthen what remains. Revelation chapter 3 is a letter to the church of Sadaris and God says "Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of God. Remember what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent."

Revelation 3:1-3

This means turning away from sulking about your failure or what you did not accomplish. Remember the dreams and things that God has placed in your heart and strengthen it! Get motivated, and get excited about those dreams!

You are equipped to have success in those things. Your success is about creating an impact that will impact and change the lives of others.

May your 2023 year close out bless and encourage you for all the amazing things that God has for you in 2024!


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